For whatever reason you decided to visit this page, one thing is for sure: This decision will change your life forever.
You are now part of a socio-economical experiment that aims to strengthen social cohesion.
This is the unbloody revolution of humankind. No tears, no hate, no pain.
Just love, brotherhood and civilization. 
Together we will make this world a better place.
We support, we receive, we reward. We create win-win-win-situations for all of us.
Welcome to the future. YOU ARE AWESOME…
…because you are either a volunteer who wants to get funded and support art & culture

Become a Worlunteer


…or an investor that supports volunteers and loves art & culture

Invest into a volunteer


…or an artist that appreciates investors and wants to reward them with extraordinary art work.

kunstruktiv consulting

ONLY $SOCA LEFT!!! Invest today!!!

Whatever your reason is. Welcome to the Worlunteers family. Invest into your volunteer of choice, get Social Capital and reward yourself with extraordinary art work from high professionals of art & culture.

Or maybe you are a volunteer and you need to be funded to maintain your service to society. Apply for your donation form, receive direct investments into yourself and reward your investors with Social Capital.

Or you are an artist who wants to support volunteers and to take advantage of the art & culture Crypto Economy Marketplace with guaranteed clients. Contact the Worlunteers consulting agency and figure out how you can reward investors for their engagement.

Our Service

Worlunteers is your place to find your private investors. Here you get access to everything on how to become part of the worlunteer family.


You are looking for a responsible investment into the future? Browse through our Worlunteers and find your perfect investment.

Social Capital

This is your entrance gate to “Social Capital”. Here you can find the Whitepaper and detailed information about the crypto token.

For whatever reason you decided to visit this page, one thing is for sure: This decision will change your life forever. You are now part of a socio-economical experiment that aims to strengthen social cohesion.
This is the unbloody revolution of humankind. No tears, no hate, no pain. Just love, brotherhood and civilization.
Together we will make this world a better place. We support, we receive, we reward. We create win-win-win-situations for all of us.
Welcome to the future. YOU ARE AWESOME…